
2013.6.10() 18:00-19:00協生館4F 階段教室4

Sentiment Analysis for the Japanese Stock Market

Hiroshi Ishijima (Chuo University), Takuro Kazumi (Osaka University), Akira Maeda (University of Tokyo)





 This study analyzes the sentiment of the Japanese economy that might appear in daily news articles. To quantify such a sentiment, we created an index that accounts for the frequency of occurrence of the words that affirmatively or negatively describe the current economic situation. Articles were taken from the Nikkei, a popular newspaper in Japan comparable to the Wall Street Journal in the U.S. Using a cutting-edge text mining technique, we counted the numbers of positive as well as negative words in the newspaper articles. Constructing a daily summary index, we then conducted statistical analysis to examine correlations between the sentiment index and Tokyo Stock Exchange prices. One of our interesting findings is that the index significantly predicts stock prices of three day ahead.




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